
Regina Family Photography | Happy birthday, Autumn!

My friends' baby, Autumn (if you're a regular follower of our blog you'll have seen her a few times before!), turned one this weekend.  That year flew by, seems like just yesterday I was e-stalking their family member's facebook accounts on the morning she was born to find out if Sara and Malcolm had had a boy or a girl (yeah, that's how I roll).  :)  Anyway, Sara and Malcolm wanted to mark the occasion of Autumn's birthday with some family photos, so we headed over to the park near their home.  Happy Birthday, Autumn!



Regina Wedding Photography | Sabrina + Kyle

We first met Sabrina earlier this year and new instantly that she would be great to work with. She's one of those people with boundless energy and is filled to the brim with positivity. Her wedding day was no exception. On Kyle and Sabrina's wedding day it rained and rained and rained, yet her attitude remained as positive as ever - "nothing we can do about it!"  And Kyle, well he just sits back and goes with the flow too.  Barring the rain and one little "tooth" incident their wedding day went off without a 'hitch' (except theirs - Ha! I'm funny).  Congratulations guys!

This is Sabrina's dad holding her niece. These two were so cute together - I had to post some photos :)






Regina Engagement Photography | Maegan + Ryan

After dreary weather caused us to cancel Maegan and Ryan's engagement shoot twice, we finally had a break in the rain and were able to get them in front of our cameras. As soon as we arrived at the shoot we learned that Maegan's one tough cookie. Even with fresh stitches and a sprained ankle, she was determined not to cancel the shoot a third time. When we heard Maegan fell while walking, we asked if there was a rock that she tripped on. She tilted her head and responded "Maybe?" You two definitely brightened up our day. We had a great time with you guys and are so excited for your wedding next month! Hopefully it's a stitch-free day:)


Saskatchewan Wedding Photography | Taelyn the flower girl

Last month my two-year-old was a flower girl at her uncle's wedding. Anyone who knows our family knows that Taelyn is a very spirited little girl. Those who weren't at the wedding are always anticipating a good story when they ask how things went. For those of you who have been asking me to blog about it, here goes! I will now hijack our blog once again to tell stories about my daughter and post personal photos. I'm sure you're all so excited!

I'll start by saying that we were happy Taelyn even wore a dress for the wedding. Even at two, the girl is a tomboy. It took months to get her to willingly try on the dress, and we were only successful because we covered it in Cars stickers and got our nephews to tell her she looked really cool. We prepared ourselves for an epic toddler/parent battle the day of the wedding, so we were surprised when she only mildly protested and went back to watching the "Baby" video on the iPad (oh, the power of the Biebs). Her hair was another story, as you can see below. 

During the ceremony, Taelyn was the source of much entertainment. With her toy cars in hand, she repeatedly ran up and down the aisle. The first time she ran up to me (I was halfway down the aisle taking photos), I put my finger to my lips and made a quiet "shhh" sound. She then turned and ran as fast as she could to her dad, who was at the front of the church. She put her finger to her lips and said (loudly), "Daddy! SHHHHH!!!!" After a few more trips up and down the aisle, she plopped herself down in front of the congregation and started playing cars, "VRRROOOOOOMMMMM!" She stood up and hit herself in the head with her flower wand for awhile, then turned her back to the guests, stuck her bum in the air and continued to play cars (see photo below). Then she pretty much did it all again. Overall, it went much better than we anticipated. Thanks to the bride and groom for being the laid back people you are. 

She's crazy, but she's ours. And we couldn't be happier (or more exhausted).

Best ring bearer and flower girl photo ever.